As a now Self-Published Fantasy author, I find myself still learning the "Art of the Interview". Appearing on podcasts, radio and TV spots, as well as taking part in BLOG interviews, is vital in the overall strategy of creating so-called "Buzz" within your community and beyond. An Author interview is a like a pitch to a Producer. You need to be prepared to give well thought out answers about you and your brand in a creative and presentable way. One of the many things I have learned from interviewing is that audiences identify with authenticity. Be yourself and be proud of who you are and what you have created. Do not try to be something you are not. Although I am far from an expert on the topic of author interviewing, I wanted to offer five tips that I have learned by being given the opportunity to interview with some fantastic hosts.
TIP#1 I did touch on this above but wanted to mention in more detail - be confident and excited in your book. Believe in yourself and what you have created and pro-ject that to the interviewer and audience. This stems from being well prepared. TIP#2 Know your Unique Vision and understand this thoroughly. I did cover this in a pervious post but to refresh - Your Unique Vision is what YOU want the outcome to be. You need to tailor your interviews and talking points to achieving this overall objective. Spend time creating talking points that help connect the audience and interviewer to your Unique Vision. I define the term, Unique Vision, as your ultimate goal for your book. I myself set small goals, small steps to achieve that will contribute to my main goal, which is, creating an audience for my Grandfather Chronicles Fantasy world. Furthermore, inviting people from all around the world to be a part of this Fantasy world I have created and share in my magical family adventure is the cornerstone of my Unique Vision. TIP#3 Know your interviewer. Take the time to research who will be interviewing you. Interviewers are people too and knowing a little about them will help you connect and carry a conversation that is natural and not rehearsed or robotic. The interviewer will also have researched you, so it's important to be comfortable with everything about you as an author and person that is out there for people to read. TIP#4 Have fun and smile. Body language is just as important as being well informed and prepared. Being able to radiate positivity during an interview is very important to helping people connect with you. This also helps present a image of confidence. TIP#5 Remember, although an Author interview is about you and selling your book, don't make this the focal point. Instead, talk about the the creative process, the journey to making your book a reality. Don't turn your interview into a Commercial or Advertising spot. Make the focus of your interview about connecting with your audience by sharing intimate experiences of your journey to publication. As opportunities present themselves to interview about my debut novel - The Grandfather Chronicles, The Secret of the Sword, I am constantly practicing these tips I have shared. Fine tuning them is something I still am working towards. Recognizing ways to improve your interview skills will help you utilize your on-air time. Some interviews are very short and to the point so you need to be aware of these spots and tailor accordingly. I would like to invite you to my "MEDIA APPEARANCES" section of this website where I have posted some of the interviews I have taken part in. I continue to learn from them and I recommend watching interviews you do a few times and take notes on the things you think you did well and things you think you didn't do well. Learning from these experiences is key and will help you become an on-air sensation and presence audiences will listen to repeatedly. I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to everyone who has helped and continue to support the launch of The Grandfather Chronicles - The Secret of the Sword. Your support, generosity and love is something I feel everyday:) Thank you:) I would also like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday Season. May the love and joy of the season be yours this holiday season. Sean:)
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